The Word on Work Zone Safety
Throughout the year, we take many safety precautions to keep our construction sites safe for both drivers and our employees. We set up traffic barriers for safety and also arrange signs to help guide the public around construction zones.
For Work Zone Safety Awareness Month in April, we joined NCDOT to help get the word out about safe driving in work zones. It is important for anyone driving through a work zone to slow down, pay attention and follow the traffic guides.
Environmental, Safety and Health Manager Giovanny Morales was quoted in NCDOT communications about work zone safety. Morales discussed the importance that driver awareness plays in keeping workers and the public safe in the work area.
“We work day and night to improve communities, keeping the safety of the public and our employees in mind every step of the way,” said Morales, “We ask that you think about the workers’ families as you travel through work zones. Please, slow down and pay attention. Our lives and our futures are in your hands.”
There were more than 7,200 crashes and 38 deaths in work areas last year in North Carolina. Some of the top reasons for work zone crashes include drivers going too fast and not paying attention.
More driving safety tips and additional information can be found on the NCDOT website.