Stay Bright These Nights
As you head out for Halloween parties and treats, please stay safe. Take a few lessons from our crews:
If you’ll be driving:
- Go slow. Younger kids may start to trick-or-treat before dark. Older kids or party-goers may be out quite late.
- Avoid the “work zone.” Try to avoid shortcuts through neighborhoods. Plan your errands for an evening besides the 31st.
- Watch for signs. Start watching for kids a few days before Halloween. Many organizations have parties or trunk-or-treat events a day or two early.
If you’ll be out walking:
- Put reflective tape on costumes or shoes.
- Bring flashlights or headlamps – and wear glowsticks!
- Parents of trick-or-treaters – you get to wear the reflective safety vest. Pretend you’re a crossing guard – or, of course, a construction worker.
Have fun!
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