Beat Holiday Stress
Whether you deep-fried your turkey or not, you probably enjoyed some good food over Thanksgiving. Possibly a little too much food.
You may also feel you overindulged in other pleasant but stressful things. Friends and family are great, but too many can be overwhelming. You may have shopped until you dropped.
No matter what stresses you out this holiday season, remember to spend a little time each day focused on you. It will keep the season a little merrier:
- Exercise and eat healthy. If you overindulge, you may feel worse. Have a healthy snack before a holiday party. It’s fine to sample a treat, but don’t forget your fruits and veggies. Try to stick to your exercise routine – or just take a walk!
- Get enough sleep. With so much on the calendar, sleep is sometimes the first to go. Lack of sleep boosts your stress. It’s okay to say “no” to some things. With more sleep and less on your to-do list, you’ll be happier at your next holiday event.
- Take time for you. It’s easy to feel that you have too much to do and too little time. Spending a few minutes to do something just for you can help you destress. Meet up with a close friend or just spend a little time alone.
- Stick to a budget. From gift shopping or going out, the holidays can mean financial stress. Think about what you can afford to spend and then stick to it. Find creative ways to show someone you care about them. Suggest a gift exchange instead of individual gifts.
Categories: Other