Spring Showers = Fruits & Flowers
Spring has sprung! It’s a great time to hit your local farmer’s market.
Whether you shop local or visit the grocery store down the street, now’s a great time to check out new fruits and vegetables.
We all know that eating the right food helps keep our bodies strong and healthy. But it’s easy to let bad habits get in the way.
Follow these practical tips for healthy eating and choosing the right foods:
- Eat In-Season – Fruits and vegetables that are in-season usually cost less and taste better. The SNAP-Ed online guide can help you find in-season produce throughout the year.
- Think Variety – Include a variety of foods from each of the five food groups in your diet. These include fruits, vegetables, grains, protein and dairy. Go to the ChooseMyPlate website for some help with meal planning.
- Eat Out Less – Eating out can be fun, but most meals from restaurants are unhealthy. They tend to have more sodium and don’t cover the five food groups. Try to make eating out a treat, rather than a regular habit.
- Read Food Labels –Pay attention to food labels on packaged food when you’re shopping. Avoid foods that have a high percentage of sodium or sugar.
- Don’t Waste – Check your refrigerator to see what you have before going to the store. Buy items that can be eaten or frozen within a few days so nothing spoils.
Keep in mind that exercise goes along with diet when it comes to being healthy. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that adults get at least 2 hours and 30 minutes of exercise per week. That could be a workout at the gym, or as simple as a brisk walk.
What new fruit or vegetable will you try this week?
Categories: Health & Wellness, Other